Saturday, April 14, 2007

Went back to school just now to pack up my stuff so that my replacement will have a clean table on Monday. While I was back, I decided to pop by 2A and 2C. The classrooms certainly seemed quiet and peaceful without them. But somehow, I dun seem to like peaceful and quiet atmospheres anymore. Maybe I've indeed been changed by my students. When I was inside the class just now, I wished the class would be rowdy and noisy like always. It's so typical of me, only cherishing what I had after I have given up.

Memories kept flooding back while I was inside the class. Like when I wasn't prepared for the lesson, I would just make them do journals or read newspapers or flash News In Class. And when I see students using handphones and listening to music, I would turn a blind eye as I was just too exhausted to scold them and also that I know they will not disturb the rest when they are playing with their gadgets. And when I was marking journals, I would just read the last paragraph or so and then write in some comments. While I was in class just now packing the journals, I wished I had taken time to read those journals to get to know my students better. Why hadn't I just spent some time to bond with my students more. Now that I no longer have the opportunity to do so, I want to see them and play with them and talk to them.

I always thought that I can learn nothing from teaching, unlike my friends who are working in banks drafting contracts and calculating financial gains. How wrong I am. I have gained much more than my friends. I made positive impact on my student's lives (hopefully). People have learnt from me, be it curriculum work or life lessons. I am still very touched now by the fact that there were so many students who cried on Friday. It shows that my 14 weeks spent in school was not for nothing. In this way, I have gained much more than any of my friends. How can financial accounting and contract drafting ever be more important to improving other's lives?

It was then when I was in the classrooms that I started crying again. Because I know that I will never be able to step into their class again to teach my normal classes again. When I was in class, I was always strict and wanted to keep my students quiet, because I wanted to teach my lessons and let them learn. I was always thinking about improving their grades only. If time could reverse, I would have interacted with them more and find out more about their lives, rather than be so result oriented. Now I wun have the chance again. I just hope that they will like their new teacher and do well for their English.

Dun wanna blog already. Silly me, crying again. Very emotional these 2 days. Hahah, now that I have so much time on hand, shall do something fun. My tuition kid left me a copy of WOW, shall try to find that and see if it's fun.


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