Thursday, December 21, 2006

Woah.. I just watched a really good show on cableTV.. its some french flick on channel 44 called Trop Jeune Pour Moi?.. really really good!! At first I only flipped to that channel for fun.. budden the show just caught my eye.. its abt this 50 odd year old woman who went on an internet date and in a twist of fate, met up with this successful playboy doctor who was in his early 30s. Of course he was very turned off by her, but her determination made him fall in love with her in the end. It was so touching!! The doctor summore said that she was old enough to be her mother, but in the end it was her who understood him the most. And he knew it too, and so in the end they had sex. Den he kinda disappeared and she got on her life without him.

And one day he sent her an invitation card for his art gallery opening. And when she got there, she realised that she was the only one inside and when the lights were turned on, she realised that all the paintings were of her!! And she was so touched and ended up having sex with him again. End of story. OH MY GOD!! Its so touching!! ALL THE PAINTINGS DEPICTED HER INSIDE!! And she was like 20 odd years older than him. Love really crosses all bounderies. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I am taking up oil painting classes from now on.


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