Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Just came back from the fishing trip. So happy now, cause when I was in the sea, I seriously thought I wasn't going able to make it back to shore. In fact, I still feel my room bobbling about, like when I was on the ship.

I had to wake up at 5 plus in the morning so that I could reach Tampines at 7am. And effing Ziyi was late! Damn eff, but since he had a fever, shall not scold him too much. After that, met up with the rest of the people that I did not know. Ziyi was damn jian, cause he said there were a lot of cbs in the group, and when I went there, there were only 2 girls, and they were accompanied by their boyfriends. Still said can interact with them and make more friends. What a liar.

We sat on a bumboat and took around one hour to travel out to sea. Then we just stopped in the middle of nowhere, far from civilisation and started fishing in the sea. It was rather funny, cause we all din know how to fish, and were all very squirmish when using the live prawns as baits. And, the boat was VERY VERY jerky, so much so that I started getting sea sick. Not just me, of course. Most got sea sick, one even puked. And it was only at 9am. I wondered if I could survive till 5.30am.

Somehow I still managed to, and witnessed the capture of sharks, stingray, pufferfish, garoupa and other smaller fishes. And the weather was great! The sea was beautiful and peaceful and the sea breeze was cooling. There was no better way to relax already.

But of course, there was nothing better than to reach dry land again. Went for dinner after that and went back home. Nothing's better than home!


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